Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Writing Mamas Salon Comes to Austin!

Thank you for visiting the Writing Mamas Salon of Austin Blog. We welcome you and any comments you may have about our members’ postings.

As Editor-in-Chief of our new Best Selling Chapter and a contemporary Christian woman, I feel that launching this endeavor has been a divine inspiration. After all, I read about Dawn Yun’s Writing Mamas Salon at Book Passage in Corte Madera, CA in the February 2008 edition of the Costco Connections magazine and I can honestly say that I never read this publication. In an effort to de-clutter my home, mailings such as these usually don’t even make it into the house. They are deposited directly into our big green trash bin in the garage but for some reason I hung on to this one, ostensibly for something to read while my daughters were playing in the bath.

I read about Dawn’s vision of creating an encouraging and fun place for mothers to write and share these stories and I knew that I wanted to be a part of this type of experience. Since I was young, I had always thought about writing but the realities of the need to earn a paycheck and provide for my family has always caused me to put aside my ambitions in this area. After having four children, a full career (pre-children) and numerous part-time jobs since having children, I decided it was time for me to invest some time in myself and my interest in writing. Through Dawn’s encouragement and very detailed best practices for launching our own chapter in Austin based on her extremely successful group (she has grown from just 8 to over 70 regular members in just three years and has helped mentor several of her members into publication) we are conducting our kick-off meeting on Sunday, April 6, 2008.

In another act of grace, I was put in touch with Gloria Parker, who is generously offering her wine bar, Vino 100 in Lakeway, as our meeting location after-hours and free of charge through the duration of the year or until we outgrow the venue. Many thanks to Gloria and Vino 100's co-owner for their kindness and interest in supporting the Writing Mamas Salon of Austin. Gloria will also be one of our first Writing Mamas.

Please check in with us regularly to read our Writing Mamas postings and inspirational photos in the Mamas Gallery. We are going to have some great talent in our group, I know it. We also expect to host some local authors, publishers, and agents to give our members inspiration and a keen look at some of the information about the literary world that only experience can provide.

Watch out Austin – Here come the Writing Mamas!

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